martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Las plantas como recurso en la elaboración de cremas naturales

Elaboración de productos naturales de cosmética tras la recolección de pétalos de caléndula y de rosa. Se pretende revisar o aprender vocabulario culinario así como vocabulario de plantas. La lengua vehicular es en todo momento el inglés.

Nivel educativo: 4º Diversificación E.S.O.

Áreas implicadas: Inglés


  • Estudio de vocabulario básico.
  • Realización de crema balsámica de caléndula para labios.
  • Propiedades de la caléndula.Realización de agua de colonia de rosas.

Basic Vocabulary.-

Verbs :  place/ pour/ stir/strain/store/boil/grate/mix/mash up/melt/remove/heal/treat/shake/

Nouns: tablespoon/teaspoon/drops/containers/pot/mixture/herbal tea/jar/cheesecloth/skin/burns/wounds/ 

Plants and ingredients: marigold/ rose/ petals/basil/mint/olive oil/shea butter/beeswax/

Marigold Lip Balm.-

Properties of the garden marigold: excellent for healing wounds and skin irritations. Great anti- inflammatory, astringent, antiviral. Used for treating acne, burns.

  • 1 tablespoon of shea butter.
  • 3 tablespoons of calendula herbal oil *
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of beeswax.
  • 10-15 drops essential oil of choice.
  • a few drops of vitamin E oil.

Use beeswax drops. Place butter, beeswax, oil in a Pyrex pot and heat until everything has melted. Remove and stir in the essential oil and vitamin E oil. Pour the mixture into small containers.

To make Calendula Herbal Oil: 
  • organic olive oil.
  • organic calendula flowers.

Place flowers in a dry jar. Pour olive oil into the jar making sure to cover the flowers. Stir and cap the jar. Place the jar in a sunny windowsill and shake once or twice a day. After 4/6 weeks strain the herbs out with cheese cloth. Pour the infused oil into the glass bottles and store in cool dark place.

Eau de Toilette with Rose Petals.-

  • ½ cup of vodka.
  • 4 tablespoons of rose petals.
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon skin.
  • 2 tablespoons of orange skin.
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh basil.
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh mint.
  • ¼ litre of boiling water.

Leave the petals in the vodka for one week. Mash up the leaves and grate the skin of lemon and orange and add to boiling water to make a herbal tea that eventually you will mix with the vodka after having removed the petals.

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